Echolalia – Poetry 4.1
visual poems in a bookwork +
electronic EP on deluxe vinyl
“ There exists an echotone preceding language.”
The poems of this book present psychological phenomena akin to echolalia, revealing the mysterious, post-verbal functioning of language, devoid of images.
Riddle poetry, the several hundred year old visual art form, meets contemporary design. The meaning of the poems lies in witty typographical games, their reading becomes at once meditation and brain teasing activity. Eye gymnastics.
Modeo, a contemporary creator of polyrhythmic techno who specializes in wide-screen sound visuals, builds upon six poems of the collection. Through his dark and noisy atmospheres the family story and the philosophy of echo gain a cosmic dimension.
Echolalia EP is the perfect symbiosis: sound was conceived in the body of the text, and the latter was transformed to be able to carry and deliver it. Not literature and not music – and yet: it is organised by linguistic meaning, and driven by sound art. This is LYRAUDIO.
[…] I don’t know where you are really, for I have swallowed a lot of you. Mother, the supply of matter of our planet is relatively enclosed. The extruded dust of the stars swirls on the Earth the same way as you do among my teeth, no new material is produced, only the components of the old are exchanged in the living. You’d carried me without knowing that parts of your body hold hundreds of great-greats, horsetails and ancient saurians, and the vegetables grown on the waste found in the owl-split of insects eating the decomposed parts of the snapdragon fed with the ash of the grey willow blossoming on the cadaver of the snub-beaked pied avocet putrefied in the marshland. […]
The Isopoda enters through the lamelliform gill. Mother, as a dead person you’re like the red perch the crayfish lives in. You’d embraced silence, for with the three pairs of my perching feet I embed myself and consume your tongue – I lodge myself into its stump to never again separate. A whole life will be a whole organ of yours. […]